[Week 8] The Easiest (Best?) Way to Shuck (And Cook) Corn + 6 More Recipes To Make This Week
Carrots, Melon, Green Beans, Fresh Corn Polenta & More
Hello Farm Share Friends:
Last weekend, I asked my blog readers if they had a favorite method for preparing corn. I had just shared my go-to stovetop steaming method with them, but I wondered if there was a better way?
No fewer than six people emailed me asking if I had tried the microwave method, which calls for placing unshucked ears of corn in the microwave and cooking them for 3 to 4 minutes.
The husk, they said, would practically fall off. The silk, they cheered, would come out in a single pull, and the corn itself would be plump and juicy. Best of all, they extolled, you will have no pans to wash!
As you might imagine, I was eager to try this method, and so I did what any devoted food blogger would do: I went out and bought a microwave! I know — so extravagant — but it’s been on my wishlist for a while and the timing felt especially right.
Here’s how it went down: I placed one ear of corn in the microwave.
I cooked it for 3 minutes.
I let it cool briefly.
And then, ta-da: the ear, all plump and steamy, slipped right out!
Friends, have you tried this method? As I am told, you can do multiple ears at once, but you’ll have to increase the cooking time if you do. And depending on how you prefer your corn cooked, you may need more or less time — it may take some trial and error to get right.
If you have a favorite corn cooking (or shucking) method, I’d love to hear.
This is the corn recipe I will make first this week: fresh corn polenta with blistered cherry tomatoes. More recipe ideas are below.
Week 8 Vegetables
Tomatoes → Tomato Recipes
Potatoes → Potato Recipes
Corn → Corn Recipes
Cucumbers → Cucumber Recipes
summer squash → Zucchini & Summer Squash Recipes
scallions → Scallion Recipes
peppers → Pepper Recipes
arugla & head lettuce → Salads
basil → Herb Recipes
green beans → Green Bean Recipes
carrots → Carrot Recipes
cantaloupe → Melon Salad
Find recipes for all the vegetables here → Farm Share Vegetables
6 Recipes to Make This Week
This week, you’ll want to use your green beans first — they tire quickly — and then your head lettuce soon after. Everything else should last the week if stored properly.
Fresh Corn Polenta with Blistered Cherry Tomatoes: This is one of my all-time favorite things to eat. I typically top it with a poached egg, but more recently, I’ve been loving spooning blistered, jammy cherry tomatoes over the top.
Blistered Green Beans with Garlic and Capers
Fellow Farm Sharers: Please share in the comments links to recipes you are loving for your farm share vegetables! Tips, questions, and suggestions are always welcome, too. Enjoy your vegetables! 🥦🥬🥒🌶🌽🥕 See you next week :)
I've added fresh corn to polenta, but have never made fresh corn polenta. It looks fantastic! Will give it a go. Have you ever added corn to risotto? The corn's milky/starchy qualities make creamy risotto even creamier. here's a recipe I did awhile back: https://www.domenicacooks.com/blog/zucchini-and-corn-risotto
Thanks, as always, for the inspiration!
I love the microwave method! My husband found this video several years ago (not sure how or why as he struggles to even locate our kitchen 🙄) and I have used it many times. I do transfer the cooked corn to a towel lined pan and use a cloth to handle - it has been perfect every time!