What is The Farm Share Newsletter?
If you belong to a farm share or CSA, you’ve likely found yourself at some point overloaded with bundles of beets and radishes, heads of cabbage, and kale to feed the neighborhood. It's both exciting and overwhelming when the waves of summer produce come crashing at the door. And while I love the challenge of figuring out where all the veggies will land, it's also work: rubber bands must be snipped, greens must be separated from their roots, and space must be cleared to store a week's worth of vegetables.
Subscribing to a farm share also requires a plan: if you're not strategic about which vegetables you use first, you'll open your fridge — or you'll blink — only to find all of that delicious, spicy arugula shriveled into a ball you could stuff in your pocket. It's crushing.
This is where The Farm Share Newsletter comes in. Every Tuesday I’ll share tips for prepping your vegetables for storage, strategizing which vegetables to eat first, meal planning, and, of course, cooking. I belong to the Roxbury Farm CSA and can’t say enough good things about it. To find a farm share or CSA near you, check out localharvest.org.
Why Subscribe?
You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Moreover, you’ll join a community of people who share your interest in tackling the onslaught of greens (and radishes! and turnips!) together. Also, it’s free 🎉.
About Me
Hi, I’m Alexandra Stafford, but please call me Ali. I write the blog Alexandra’s Kitchen, where I share mostly simple, always seasonal recipes, and I wrote a book called Bread Toast Crumbs, all about simple bread baking and how to use up every crumb of every loaf you bake.
I live in Upstate New York with my husband, four children, two cats, and one dog. The kitchen is my happy place.
To connect: email me at alexandra@alexandracooks.com or find me on Instagram or TikTok.